Check out the latest photos from our meetings, group events and special activities.
Lekatchka Archers
Knights Trail Park 7701 Target Trail
Nokomis, Florida 34275
(this is our "physical" address, do NOT use for correspondences)
For more info email:
Also check us out on facebook:
7 days a week
(the 10/20 yd range is lighted)
3D shoots are on the 4th Sunday of every month from 9am-1pm check under "Calendar of Events" for exact dates. (*Dates may vary.)
Volunteers can do work parties on Saturday before each 3D shoot, starting at 8:30am, or at the shoots on Sunday by putting away 3D's.
Introduction to Archery....... We offer THREE free lessons to anyone 10 years and up.
Please take a look under the "Calendar of Events" section for available days.