Knights Trail Park Badges MUST be worn while on Club property
                      Knights Trail ParkBadges MUST be worn while on Club property


The Field Archery Range

Animal Round - black stakes has been upgraded to National Field Archery Association standards.

New signs, yardage stakes/markers have been installed. 

You will find the shooting instructions in a box containing score cards at the pavilion. 
Remember it’s a game.  HAVE FUN!!







Classes start at 9am SHARP!!
Please check under
"Calendar of Events" for the next class. Equipment is provided.
**Please note, must be a minimum of
10 years old  participate. **

3-D Shoot's

 They will be held on the

4th Sunday of each Month. 

It’s been brought to the boards attention on more than one occasion that there were some safety concerns with our monthly 3D shoots.  Due to these concerns the board has made the following changes to our monthly shoot program. 

*Sign ups for each shoot will be between 8am-8:50a.

*All participants must attend the 9am shooter safety meeting before the shoot begins. This is where we explain the course and any safety info to be shared for the round.

*Following the safety meeting, shooters will be put in groups of 3-5 and assigned a target for a shotgun start.  The course must be shot in numeric sequence from your assigned target.  (No cutting the course or skipping targets)  Therefore no shooters will be allowed on the course by themselves or after the shoot has begun so we can control the pace and safety of the active shooting range.  




          Work parties start at 8:30am.

       Volunteers are always Welcome!

Please note, we do not offer equipment rentals for any shoot,

however, equipment is provided for our Intro to Archery classes.


A big shout out to Cook's Sportland in Venice  for lending us equipment for our Camps this summer. Thank You.

You can't what

Ummm, I know you can???


The Club


Lekatchka Archery Club Inc. is a family oriented archery range, serving South West Florida, with the mission of enjoying and supporting the sport of Archery.  It is a 55 acre site at one of Sarasota County Parks, known as Knights Trail Park, located off Laurel Road in Nokomis, Florida. We are a members only club however, we encourage non-members to join us for traditional as well as compound archery during our 3-D shoots which are open to the public, $15 fee for members/non-members. We have FREE introductory lessons and regular 3D shoots to enjoy Florida’s great outdoors as a family. Lekatchka is now a 501C3 a "not for profit" club. For more info, email


Our goal is to promote the sport of archery with families and youth in SW Florida.  We are an ASA ( sanctioned and insured club.  We have numerous Level 1 and Level 2 USA Archery instructors available for children and adult class instruction.  USA Archery ( is the organization that supports the USA Olympic Archery team.


All ages and styles are encouraged

Lekatchka Archery Club Inc. is part of the Knights Trail Sports Complex with

Sarasota County Parks and Recreation


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© Lekatchka

Lekatchka Archers

Knights Trail Park
7701 Target Trail

Nokomis, Florida 34275

(this is our "physical" address, do NOT use for correspondences)


For more info email:

Also check us out on facebook:



7 days a week

(the 10/20 yd range is lighted)


3D shoots are on the 4th Sunday of every month from 9am-1pm check under "Calendar of Events" for exact dates. (*Dates may vary.)


Volunteers can do work parties on Saturday before each 3D shoot, starting at 8:30am, or at the shoots on Sunday by putting away 3D's.


Introduction  to Archery....... We offer THREE  free lessons to anyone 10 years and up.

Please take a look under the  "Calendar of Events" section for available days.